Short Documentaries

The Dream is Still Alive

Documenting the dreams of Syrian Women in Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan with UN Women.

Filmed by
Mohamed Shwini
Diala Jamaleddin

Original Score
Amir Hedayah

Ahmed Hayman

Director & Editor
Reem Ossama


ساعات الواحد بيبقي فاكر انه مالوش دور ف الحياه و يكتئب و يفقد الأمل خصوصا لو شاف حرب في بلد عزيزة عليه زي سوريا”
“سافرت الأردن و صورت مخيمات السوريين و سمعت قصص و احلام و عملت اول كتاب مصور ليا.

“Sometimes you think you have no role in life, you feel helpless and lose hope especially when you witness a war happening in a dear country to your heart.. Syria.
I traveled to Jordan and photographed Syrian Refugee Camps that are filled with stories and dreams, glad to finally publish my first photography book.”
Ahmed Hayman
